As part of the graduation ceremony, each of the 8th graders receives a certificate of graduation and an 8x10 photo of themselves in cap & gown. Last year the company that does our school photos did the cap & gown photos but they will only do them if the school has spring photos done of all the kids. This year the school didn't want that done but we still wanted cap & gown photos. So, we ended up buying caps & gowns (2 each in the colors for the girls & boys) and I took photos of the 8th graders in their caps & gowns in front of one of the stained glass windows of the church. Technically I think they could have been better but overall I'm pleased with the way they turned out. What do you think of the one Emily picked as her favorite?
And to think that in four years Emily will be graduating from high school and it will be Hannah's turn for an 8th grade graduation!
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