Thursday, September 14, 2006

Last Year of Elementary School

It's hard to believe that my baby is in her last year of elementary school but she is! Hannah started 5th grade a week ago yesterday and is thoroughly enjoying it so far. She loves her new teacher already and keeps telling us how much fun her teacher is. I think Hannah's teacher from last year feels slighted but at least this year she has a class that's mostly girls.

Hannah is still the only girl in her class but she's friends with a lot of the girls in the 4th grade and since 4th & 5th grade have recess and lunch together she has buddies to hang out with during those times.
I am going to be the room mom for Hannah's class this year. I was the room mom for Emily's class when she was in 5th grade and it was a lot of fun so I'm looking forward to it for Hannah's class too. I've felt badly the last few years with Hannah's class because the room mom's have just not gotten it and there haven't really been activities or crafts or games at their parties so I intend to make up for that this year with some fun parties. If anyone has any good suggestions for class parties for Halloween or Christmas or Valentines or Easter send them my way!